Dear NVUSD Community,
We are excited to announce that the Napa community supported Measure B with 55.088 percent voting “yes” as of the final certified results posted by Napa County. A supermajority of 55 percent or greater is required for the measure to pass.
We are incredibly proud of the effort of so many volunteers to support our schools. Measure B Campaign was championed by three exceptional parent volunteers Simone Katz-O'Neill, Summer Gilgallon, and Lisa Lombardi, and a robust group of additional volunteers including parents, teachers, and even students. Together, they educated thousands of fellow citizens about the needs of our aging schools and answered questions about how money would be spent. The campaign co-chairs attained the support of key leaders and organizations from across the community. The Measure B endorsement list was impressive! The campaign reached out to voters throughout the district. We are incredibly proud of the work done by these volunteers, for our students.
The Napa Valley Unified School District can now accelerate the important work of improving our Napa schools. This work begins with ensuring that all of our schools have roofs that don’t leak and HVAC units that ensure that our classrooms are warm when they are supposed to be warm and cool when they are supposed to be cool. In other words, schools that need exterior work will be completed first. The District will bring a resolution to the January 16, 2025, Board Meeting acknowledging the results and recording results in the minutes.
A timeline for work to be completed this summer will be shared in early 2025. We look forward to continuing to upgrade our Napa schools and are grateful for those who supported Measure B. The support for Measure B and Measure A2 in American Canyon (passed in 2022) moves us closer to providing the facilities our students and staff deserve.
We are truly grateful for the support of our community. Together, we will continue to provide our students with the best possible education in safe and modern facilities.