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NVUSD Honored with CSBA Golden Bell Award



The Napa Valley Unified School District (NVUSD) is proud to announce it has been recognized with a Golden Bell Award from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) for its innovative Wellness Centers and wellness program. The award recognizes outstanding educational programs and initiatives within school districts throughout California. 

“This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, students, community leaders, and all those who partner with NVUSD to make these essential services and resources available to students,” said Dr. Rosanna Mucetti, Napa Valley Unified School District Superintendent. “We remain committed to providing the highest-quality education and advancing our 2024-2029 strategic plan towards that end.”

Over the last ten years, NVUSD has strengthened its wellness offerings to include social-emotional curriculum and education at the elementary and middle school levels, on-campus Wellness Centers with therapists, social workers, counselors, and other support staff at all NVUSD middle and high schools, access to resources and education for students and their families through CareSolace and other partners, and much more. Research shows that access to wellness programming and support can lead to improved student outcomes including academic performance, increased engagement, and enhanced social-emotional wellbeing.

The Napa Valley Unified School District is proud to be included in this distinguished group of honorees. For more information about the Golden Bell Awards or NVUSD, please visit or

Board of Education holding their 2024 Golden Bell Award