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Spotlight on Success: Students Share the Importance of Teachers

NVUSD Communications


Celebrate with us as we reflect on our 2019-2024 Strategic Plan and the many successes accomplished over the last five years. Three Redwood Middle School eighth graders share thoughts about their middle school experience. Many of the improvements they experienced were possible because of NVUSD’s middle school redesign that focused on “Student learning, achievement, and access,” one of six goals in NVUSD’s 2019-2024 strategic plan. 

It’s spirit day at Redwood Middle School, and eighth-grade students Kaitlyn, Audrey, and Danica are gathered in Ms. Stephanie Trott’s classroom. It’s apparent these students feel comfortable with each other and their teacher as they sit ready for conversation. 

These talented eighth graders are sharing a few highlights of their middle school experience. After learning through the pandemic remotely and in person during their sixth and seventh-grade years, they share that eighth grade feels like the time when everything is coming together. 

Danica is a swimmer and avid science fiction writer. Audrey is writing a novel on Greek mythology and enjoys mountain biking and running cross-country. Kaitlyn is not just a strong academic student, but a swimmer and spends her time rigorously competing. 

A common theme emerges among these students - the important role their teachers play in their lives. When asked what would they remember most about Redwood, Danica replies, “My teachers; I always go into my teachers’ classrooms. Sometimes before school, sometimes during milk break, and sometimes during advisory flex periods.” 

Audrey continues that she shared her novel writing journey with a teacher who then helped connect her to a local college’s Tech Trek summer camp. The connection they feel with their teachers is also apparent as they converse with their Social Studies teacher Ms. Trott during our interview. 

Together, they show off a project they completed in her class. For that project, students researched topics such as water shortages, food awareness, and road rage, to name a few. They then shared some background on the problem and their opinion about the solution. The thought, care, and knowledge showcased through the project was truly inspirational. 

This success was one of many that these students spoke about, also sharing that they wanted to continue to see improvements in their middle school experience. 

Learn more about how NVUSD is reshaping our middle school students' learning and improving their experience by clicking here

Photo: Redwood eighth graders share the important role their teachers play in their middle school experience.

Importance of teachers


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